Viral marketing is defined as, ‘using consumer communication
as a means of multiplying a brand’s popularity through customers spreading the
brand name of a product or name of a company’. (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2004)
As part of my study at the University of Brighton I have
been tasked with developing a new digital marketing strategy for a company of
my choice. While developing this viral marketing campaign I came across a study
by Woerdl et al (2008) that cited four strengths of viral marketing and presented
five key factors to consider when developing a viral marketing campaign.
Four strengths of viral marketing are;
Low Cost
High Reach
Ability to Integrated Marketing Communications
High Diffusion Speed
These strengths make viral marketing an incredibly exciting
proposition for any business, if you are thinking about implementing a viral
marketing strategy for your business; consider these five points below to
ensure maximum (ROI) return on investment.
Key factors to consider are,
of the campaign - Ask yourself the following questions?
Does it encourage viral activity?
Does your campaign encourage people to share the message? Encouraging people to
share your message is a key success factor in a viral marketing campaign, the
higher proportion of people encouraged to share your message will result in improved
campaign reach and higher ROI.
or service characteristics – Ask yourself the following questions?
Is the product or service suitable
for viral marketing? Can it be passed on easily? Your product or service needs to be suitable for viral marketing;
if the product falls down here it could spell in the campaigns failure.
content – Ask yourself the following question?
Is the message fun, engaging,
easy to use? Does your campaign engage the recipient; the viral concept needs
to be designed carefully to make sure it engages the maximum amount of people. Creating
a competition to win a prize may be a good way of engaging your audience doing
to peer information conduit – Ask yourself the following questions?
What channel does it use? Can it
be passed on easily? It is paramount that the recipient is able to pass this
message on easily and quickly, a long process will result in the campaigns
failure. Advice here would be to use email. Email forwarding is one of the most
straight forward things to use for you and your recipient, it also takes no
development by your or your business and it’s free.
characteristics – Ask yourself the following question?
Does the message spread quickly? Can
the recipient see what message is trying to be communicated quickly and
effectively, if this is possible it is likely to positively affect the
Click here to read the full Woerdl study -
Hennig‐Thurau, T., Gwinner, K. P., Walsh, G., & Gremler,
D. D. (2004). Electronic word‐of‐mouth via consumer‐opinion platforms: What
motivates consumers to articulate themselves on the Internet?. Journal of
interactive marketing, 18(1), 38-52.
Woerdl et al, (2008) Internet-Induced Marketing
Techniques: Critical Factors in Viral Marketing Campaigns. Journal of
Business Science and Applied Management, 3 (1). pp. 35-45. ISSN 1753-0296.
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